Ep 33 Emotions - why befriending your emotions will liberate you

This week I’m talking about Emotions and how a somatic approach to your inner work will support you to have a really healthy relationship with your Emotions.

Emotions are not a ‘nice to have’ luxury item in our makeup, they are an essential aspect of it.  We don’t have them just for the pleasure of feeling; they help us to survive and stay alive.  They orient us to the world and give us information so that we can thrive. They tell us when there is danger, they tell us what is benign, what is ok for us and what will nurture our growth.  When we shut them down we lose a really important part of our sensory experience.  And also a really big part of who we are.  They drive our exploration of the world, our sense of adventure.

In this podcast I talk about:

  • What emotional repression is and how it can show up in many ways,

  • How we learn to repress our emotions and why we do it,

  • How emotions are a critical part of our human makeup and help us to stay safe and thrive in the world

  • How emotions are connected to our sensory experiences. Sensory experiences are how we interpret and experience the world and are the language of the body, the nervous system and are experienced by our primal brain,

  • Why emotions come up big time in our major life transitions of adolescence, parenthood, midlife, menopause and elderhood,

  • How unstructured play for children is an essential experience for emotional maturity at that developmental stage because it turns on the neural pathways for emotions such as grief, betrayal etc,

  • How vulnerability is essential for the development of emotions and continued learning in life,

  • That we find ourselves in a time in the world where their is high demand for mental health services coming off the back of the pandemic for various reasons and their is a huge amount of collective grief in the cultural system that we have little capacity to hold collectively because we have not been taught how to do that in the western world as we are so disconnected from our grief.

    There is no such thing as negative emotions we need them all to survive and thrive.

As always my podcasts are also on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.