Magical Midlife and Menopause ebook 

A time to take stock, for pause and reflection, a portal to find your passions, your purpose and meaning in the second half of life.

Menopause is more than just physical symptoms. It is an identity shift, a journey of coming home to yourself, a gateway to ageing, to setting yourself up to live well in your second half of life. In many asian cultures the post menopausal time in our life is known as second spring. It is a time for expansion.

Second Spring

“As we age, we make a choice. Will we allow life’s experiences to beat us down until we are cranky contracted, old person? Or do we surrender into acceptance and allow life to make us expansive and free. This is a daily choice”.

Lia Andrews, Seven Times a Woman

Then we have our midlife transition that we all go through. For most people this happens somewhere from our late 30s through to our 60s. This is about moving from our first adulthood to second adulthood. The first driven by our ego, is about establishing ourselves in our adult life. Our career, family, getting a house. Our second adulthood is coming back to ourselves, a life driven by our soul, seeking purpose and meaning. The developmental challenge of midlife is radical honesty with ourselves. Learning who am I really under all the masks I wear and adaptive strategies I created to survive as a young child. Come back to your most authentic selves.

I think Menopause gets a bad wrap for most of what really are the growing pains of midlife.

As you can see, Menopause and Midlife are two multi-faceted and complex transitions that often occur in parallel. The richest understanding of this transition comes through looking at multiple lenses at the same time, to take a really holistic view of it. The reality is that every woman is unique; so every woman's midlife and menopausal transition will be unique.

This eBook provides you the opportunity to view these transitions through these wide range of perspectives and work out for yourself what you need to explore. We explore the deeper meaning of the midlife and menopause transition, sexuality, working with your emotions, lifestyle changes, thinking about your imprinting on ageing and mortality and understanding how cultural conditioning impacts on how we view the world and how we show up in the world.

There are also coaching questions to help you work out where you need to start and links to resources to help you explore this journey for yourself. This ebook is a brilliant resource that offers you a foundation and frame of how to view these two very complex transitions and your unique path through them.

Click on the link below to purchase.